Sunday, June 10

Instant Review: Queens of the Stone Age – 'Era Vulgaris'

I just finished listening to this album 2min ago, so here are my immediate impressions:
It’s pretty good, I definitely like it better than 2005’s ‘Lullabies To Paralyze.’ It’s a much dirtier, distorted and psychedelic sound for them this time around. I like the new style but it may turn some people off. After this first listen I find the middle of the album a bit repetitive but the end kicks it back up to the level of the first few tracks- which really gave me an awesome first impression. ‘Sick Sick Sick’ especially has a great riff, it works really well around the warped vocals. I’m not sure how this record will go with repeated listens but as it stands now I’ll definitely be shelling out for a ticket when they tour again.

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